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Chrytatywna Choinka




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Hello, Jelinka welcomes you. The old life I would rather not remember. I lived on the street, I had a terrible tummy ache, it turned out that my intestine fell out. Fortunately, there are good people in this world! They rescued me, operated on me and took care of me. I was born in 2018, and I look like an adolescent kitten. I am a petite kitten. I am characterized by great sensitivity, I can't quite trust people. I'm a little afraid, but also getting used to it. I feel safest with other cats, I have my friend here - Arielka. We often sleep in the same basket, wash and support each other. I have a piece of intestine removed, it does not bother me on a daily basis, but I should eat only wet, easily digestible food.

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